IntelliJ AEM

Plugin for JetBrains IDEs that supports you in developing for Adobe Experience Manager

IntelliJ AEM is a plugin for the IntelliJ platform that aims to support the development for Adobe's Experience Manager. It provides support for custom languages, advanced code completion and refactoring, inspections and quick fixes, and many more features that developers will benefit from every day. In addition, it provides useful tools to simplify interactions with live AEM instances.

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*30-day trial available

Feature Highlights

IntelliJ AEM uses several of IntelliJ platform's extension points to provide functionality that helps in developing for Adobe Experience Manager. The Features section presents a comprehensive overview, but here are a few highlights to get you started:

  • Push and pull content

    Easily pull content from or push content to AEM from within the IDE — no external tools required

  • Coding assistance

    Syntax highlighting, smart code completion, and navigation and refactoring support greatly simplify your developer life.

  • Inspections

    Numerous inspections catch potential problems early. Quick fixes speed up your development workflow.

Recent Updates

Here's a list of the most recent releases including their fixes and changes. Please also check out the Features overview for a more thorough description of newly added items.

  • Version 1.11.1

    This update adds compatibility with IntelliJ IDEA 2024.2.

  • Version 1.11.0

    This update adds compatibility with IntelliJ IDEA 2024.1 EAP.


    • Added inspection that checks if namespaces used in FileVault XML files' names have been declared in the file
    • Added a context menu action that allows to copy the resource path of a node in FileVault XML files
    • Added references from FileVault property values to fully-qualified Java class names


    • Updated Jackrabbit FileVault dependencies to avoid ClassCastException thrown when pushing content
All Updates